Saturday, May 17, 2008


I didn't want to leave you all hanging on how our first visit went with DSS yesterday, so here I am! I think that it went pretty well. Our case worker is a pretty nice man. He gave us a thousand pieces of paperwork to do, I did a lot of mine last night. I want to try and get it all done to turn into him by the middle of the week. He says that if everything goes as planned we can be licensed in 3 months and have children placed with us. Its really exciting, I just hope that it works out. There are only 14 foster families in our county, so they are in high demand.

I am still working on getting pictures to load, blogspot isnt wanting to work with me tonight, I think its this wireless internet.

Good Night!


Cheryl said...

That is great!
Thanks for keeping us updated!

Tracy~ said...

I'm so glad it went well! Can't wait to catch up with you and hear all about the weekend.
Love you

bethany@sippinsweetteablog said...

Good news! It takes a special person to be a foster parent.

Courtney @ splashing grace said...

how exciting! I finally got a chance to sit down and catch up on blogs and this is great news to see!

Josh and Donna said...

i came upon your page when i was "blog browsing" today. i'm also an assistant pastor's georgia. feel free to check out my blog at have a great day! :o)

Laura said...

You haven't posted in a while...just wondering how things are with you?